Jude Law in talks to board THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER

Jude Law is currently in negotiations to star in the lead role in the upcoming The Last Voyage of the Demeter for director David Slade.
It was announced yesterday that Slade (30 Days of Night and Twilight Saga: Eclipse) has been tapped to helm. The project has been in development for almost a decade and will finally be launched via Phoenix Pictures (Black Swan).
Law would star opposite Ben Kinglsey and Noomi Rapace in the film based on a section from the Bram Stoker novel about the ship that transported Dracula from Transylvania to London.
The Last Voyage of the Demeter follows the ill-fated crew aboard the merchant ship Demeter which carried Dracula's coffin from Transylvania to England only to arrive at port with a ship's log telling of everyone on board getting slaughtered one-by-one by a mysterious passenger.
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