Geek Art: Justice League goes Punk Rock
The piece of geek art you see above was created by Annie Wu, and it was created for a remake/remodel challenge on Warren Ellis's Whitechaple. She took the Justice League and turned then into a punk rock band. Here's a note from the artist explaining the challenge and talks about why she created what she did.
The challenge was to make a poster for Malcolm McLaren's 1977 Justice League film (don't worry, that didn't actually happen). It seemed appropriate to turn the JLA into a punk band for this. Design-wise, I suppose mine doesn't necessarily fit the period, but my focus was really on the figures/costuming. I love re-interpreting characters and making up fake bands, so this was fun to do during breaks from other work. There are a few bits I especially enjoy, like Wonder Woman's stockings and Batman's t-shirt. And for some reason, the idea of Aquaman not being able to hold his alcohol was really funny to me. I don't know. Oh, and I scribbled a JLA logo thing for the occasion.
In hindsight, I should have done a color sketch first because I was working with set schemes. The left side of the drawing turned out kind of heavy on the red. THANKS A LOT, FLASH.