The Horror-Comedy ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS is in development
That's right gamers and zombie lovers Zombies Ate My Neighbors is in development. It's based on the SNES video game of the same name that originally hit in 1993. So far what we know is the film has a screenplay written by John Darko (no relation to Donny)and is currently looking for financiers.
The movie could be described as John Hughes meets Judd Apatow meets George A. Romero, or Superbad + Zombieland + Home Alone maybe? The movie is taking just a hint from the video game so it's primarily its own coming-of-age story bu rest assured Zeke and Julie from the game will be in it.
Darko is also producing the film with April Wade and Ahmed al Baker. Right now it's still considered an indie film while they work on securing the rights. They confirm everything is moving along smoothly. So who's all ready for another zombie comedy done right, like Zombieland maybe?