David Slade reveals DAREDEVIL will be a stand alone film

Movie DaredevilDavid Slade by

News has just hit online that Fox's upcoming Daredevil project will in fact have anything to do with the first film that starred Ben Affleck. The news comes from director David Slade who tweeted the following message couresy of Obsessedwithfilm:

Forgot to look at the internet for a few weeks and its a litany of false (and not so far off) rumours. So without breaking confidentiality, yes Daredevil, we have a great outline for a very strong character driven take on Mr Matt Murdock. It will bare no relation to the previous Daredevil movie in any way. We are at early planning stages and have not yet discussed any cast.

There have been rumors that Bradley Cooper and Garett Hedlund could star in the film, but that has now been debunked. Slade does mention that some of the rumors are not far off. Since the casting has been ruled out then it may be that the plot of the new movie will follow Frank Miller's Born Again comic arc. 

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