What's this new HALO Movie?
I recently received an e-mail leading me to the Machinima.com Facebook page with a photo album titled Halo Movie. To be honest though, after looking at these pictures it looks like it's going to be a very cheaply made Halo movie, the costumes look terrible. Here is the message I got with the e-mail,
We've got our hands on some Halo film stills that I thought you might be interested in taking for your sites. Unfortunately, I cannot yet say anything else about it other than that something else in addition to the stills is coming Monday.
Since this comes from Machinima, I imagine that this must be some kind of new Halo web-series. I guess we'll find out on Monday. Hopefully it looks better with all of the effects added. There's one thing I know for sure... this is not going to be the Halo movie we've all been waiting for. Check out the images and tell us what you think!