Could Vin Diesel replace Schwarzenegger now that Skynet is self-aware?
Skynet is now officially self-aware! If you are a fan of James Cameron’s original Terminator movie. The film claims that April 19, 2011 is the day that a vast network of computers, known as Skynet, became self-aware. If you believe that to be true, the computers will soon take over the planet, and will eventually wipe out humanity! Sarah Connors' all over the world had better be on the lookout for Arnold Schwarzenegger knocking at their door.
It's fitting that just last week news hit that another Terminator film was in the works and that Justin Lin (Fast Five) was going to direct. Lin confirmed that he’s talked to Arnold about reprising his iconic role. With Arnie getting up in age there has been concerns of his ability not to mention his interest. That means that Lin would have to find someone else. The director vaguely hinted to Moviehole that he might consider Vin Diesel for the part. Lin stated, “you never know”.
As I said before, I think that Lin will do a great job with a new Terminator film. Vin Diesel is as good a replacement as anyone to star in the role. What are your thoughts on this possibility?