Jason Eisener plans HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN spinoff and kids film for the future

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Jason Eisener, director of  Hobo With a Shotgun, did an interview with The Film Stage in which he shared his future plans. His next film is a tournament martial arts film, and after that he may change directions by directing a childrens film. Here is what he had to say about his next film:  

“I’ve designed our next movie as if I was creating my own tournament game like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter 2. I’m designing every character to be unique both in look and fighting style so if we ever made a game, it’d be the coolest tournament fight game ever. I would absolutely love to dive more into that world,” said Jason Eisener (Hobo with a Shotgun)."

Eisener took some time to reflect on a possible spin-off film featuring villains from the Hobo world, The Plague. The robotic assassins are what Eisener refers to as his R2D2 and C3PO or Jay and Silent Bob.

“There’s a whole mythology behind them. They’re basically like demons; for me, there’s nothing beneath their costumes. To me, they’ve been around since the beginning of time, probably had tons of other crazy armor, riding on horses, etc. You see in their lair they have a bunch of bounties crossed off and one of them’s Jesus Christ, another is Joan of Arc,” said Eisener."

He also revealed that he's written a treatment for a possible spinoff film about Plague: 

”It’s like a crazy chase film; it’s about two ambulance drivers who has an unconscious person in the back of their ambulance who they don’t know is a bounty for The Plague. The Plague are doing everything to stop the ambulance and the ambulance drivers using everything they can to stop The Plague. It also goes a little into their history and how they started and what they’ve been through.” 

The idea of a second and third film are not out of the question according to Eisener, who stated that he would love to film a trilogy in the universe that Rutger Hauer's character roams through.  Eisener is a big fan of “high concept worlds,” and lists The Warriors as his favorite film of all time.

“We definitely want to branch out, but right now, we’re loving it. We’re going to stay with high-concept ideas; I’d like to make a kids movie like Monster Squad orThe Goonies, or something like Night of the Creeps. I’d love to do something like that,” said Eisener."

Hobo With a Shotgun is currently playing on Demand and begins it’s limited theatrical run May 6th. I am plannning on watching this film this week and am looking forward to finally seeing it. Have you seen the film? What are your thoughts on Eisener's plans?

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