SDCC2011: 20th Century Fox Panel: RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES!

We are getting quite spoiled in the 20th Century panel today.  One of the true gems that we have been presented with today was Rise of The Planet of The Apes.  I was having trouble really backing this film because of the disappointment of the last Planet of the Apes.  After being in this panel, however, I have a new attitude.  
The panel was moderated by Damon Lindelhof and asked questions.  Director Rupert Wyatt and Andy Serkis handled the answers.  The panel started off with a mockumentary which showed some African military troops playing with a chimpanzee.  One of the soldiers gives the chimp his machine gun.  Within seconds the chimp is shooting at all of the soldiers feet scaring them, and the cameraman who drops his camera, away.  The camera is still pointed at the chimp and when everyone is gone he raises the gun above his head in a victory stance.
That was a cool way to start it off.  Wyatt really didn't have too much to say that we didn't already didn't know.  Just that the film is going a different route because it is from the monkey's prospective.  I figured.  
The next footage that we see is just clips that we have seen in the trailer.  Nothing special there.  Next, Serkis comes out and they show a montage of his process of doing motion capture for his role as Caesar in the film.  The footage is cool.  
Serkis explained why Caesar went bad.  Because of the what Will Rodman(James Franco) was doing to him caused him to be an outcast both in the monkey world and the human world.  They show a few clips of Caesar trying to fit into both worlds and then a clip of him figuring out how to make the other monkeys around him just as intelligent as him.  Thus starting the monkey revolution.
Then the last clip is the best.  Which you can check out if you click here.  
All in all it was an exciting panel.  I am ready to see this film.  Let me know what you think. 
McMurphy Out!
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