STAR TREK DC Comics Crossover in the works!
DC Comics' superheros are set for an epic crossover. IDW Publishing has announced a DC Comics crossover with Trek/Legion of Superheroes, a six-issue monthly beginning in October.
According to Chris Ryall, IDW’s Editor-in-Chief/Chief Creative Office revealed that there is “nothing like kicking off our first foray into the DC Universe with a story that spans dimensions and centuries. As a huge fan of both of these teams and the eras we’re playing with here, as well as an admirer of the talents involved with this tale, I couldn’t be happier.”
The original crew of the Starship Enterprise will find themselves "beamed onto a planet in an alternate universe." Below is a full description:
At the same time, a group of “Great Darkness Saga” Legionnaires inside a time sphere find themselves cast into the 23rd century, but it’s not the 23rd century as they know it, either. STAR TREK/LEGION OF SUPERHEROES is a galaxy-spanning adventure that draws both teams together to face a menace that includes Khunds, Klingons, Borg, and other threats that aren’t quite as they should be. The egalitarian United Planets in one universe and a United Federation of Planets in another is now the Imperial Planets of Terra, a dark empire focused on war and conquest, and that’s just the beginning for this special series.
Jeffrey and Philip Moy are set to do the art for the series. They have both worked on Star Trek and the Legion before. The stories will be written by Chris Roberson, and covers will be done by Phil Jimenez.
At this time it's not known how this will effect the canon of Star Trek/X-Men (or Star TreX), the 1996 Star Trek/X-Men crossover which paradoxically did not feature the meeting between Professor X and Captain Picard, because the X-Men wound up meeting the Original Series Enterprise crew, not Next Generation. This sounds like a dream crossover to me. What are your thoughts on this news?