Melisa Wallack writing EMILY THE STRANGE

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Melisa Wallack is set to write Emily the Strange for Universal, reports THR. She wrote the script for Relativity's untitled Snow White film being directed by Tarsem Singh. The film is set to star Chloe Moretz as the punky goth cult figure created by skateboarder Rob Reger. The long-gestating project is being produced by Dark Horse's Mike Richardson.

At this time there is no word on the story details, but the plan is to "tell the origin of the punk and gothic figure and how she comes to gain her abilities that fuse technology and imagination. The story will also focus on her relationship with four cats: troublemaker Sabbath, schemer Nee-Chee, imaginative Miles and leader Mystery."

This sounds like a cool project and I am glad that it is finally starting to move forward. Moretz is a great actress and is a perfect choice for this role. Wallack will surely do a great job of writing this script. What are your thoughts on this news?

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