New Zealand to Mint Star Wars Coins for Legal Tender!
If you've ever watched the show Flight of the Conchords, you'd know that previous to this post New Zealand was only known for it's toothbrush fence, filming locations for epic battles in Middle Earth, and it's impressive sheep population. In perhaps the most awesome move imaginable to help Europe out as they suffer through their financial crisis (copycats) the New Zealand mint is creating 10 Star Wars coins for use as legal tender in their country (Niue Island actually but we'll give it to them)!
The coins will equal the equivalent of 2 dollars New Zealand currency (which I think right now is currently a potato but I'm not up on my knowledge) and pre-orders are being accepted for the release in November for the low low price of $400 smackaroos American.
In addition to the snazzy Darth Vader case which holds are the dark side characters pictured below, there is also a Millenium Falcon case available coupled with all the Light side characters (who would've thunk?!) . You can visit the New Zealand Mint site and place your order today, or just wait for the 30 more they intend to be releasing within the next year or so and get the whole set!
So check out the pics below, and as always, witty comments are appreciated.
Twitter: @MickJoest