Sylvester Stallone talks THE EXPENDABLES 2 cast — GeekTyrant

Sylvester Stallone talks THE EXPENDABLES 2 cast

Earlier we reported that Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger had been confirmed for larger roles in the sequel. Sylvester Stallone recently spoke to EW and he revealed that he has also added Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme, and that Nicolas Cage and John Travolta may join the action fest.  

Here is what Stallone had to say about Van Damme joining the sequel, when he did not agree to starring in the first film:

“We’ll have a big showdown between me and Van Damme, which has been anticipated for a long time, so it should be a good one.”

Simon West (Con Air) is directing the film. Filming is slated to start in later this month in Bulgaria for an August 2012 release. 

Stallone went on to talk about Cage's involvement in the film:

“We’ve got Chuck Norris and I think Nic Cage. We’re trying to work out different scenarios. I like using people that had a moment and then maybe have fallen on some hard times and give them another shot. So we’re always looking for actors like Michael Biehn and Michael Pare. I like those kinds of guys. Someone did it for me and I like to see if I can do it for them. We also need some new blood in there, a Navy Seal-type, because with the Expendables none of them have 20-20 vision anymore. They need some help, man.”

When asked about Travolta's involvement, Stallone responded by saying:

“It’s possible. The one thing I’ve learned is what is a fact on Monday is a complete fallacy on Tuesday. A lot of it is scheduling. It’s not financial. It’s just that Bulgaria is definitely a jaunt. It’s a commitment, you know what I mean? Especially in the dead of winter.”

I think that this movie is now overlowing with bad assery. Having Norris on board is good, but I worry that he will try to take on all of the bad guys by himself. Van Damme is tired of kicking himself for not starring in the original, so he decided to hop on the sequel. 

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