THE WIRE - One of the Best Scenes in the History of TV
The Wire is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and thanks to HBO GO I am in the process of going through and re-watching the series again, and it's like watching it for the first time. This is a TV show I could watch over and over again, and not get tired of. If you haven't seen it yet, you've got to finally jump on board and watch The Wire. Y
This is a scene from the series that in my opinion is one of the best scenes in the history of television. The dialogue of the entire scene only consists of variations of the F-word, while Jimmy McNulty and Bunk Moreland are solving an old murder, where some major details were overlooked... it's pretty incredible. The scene is perfect, and was written so well that the screenwriter needs no other dialogue to explain what is going on. It also shows off how smart these detectives and how well they work together.
I will warn you the scene is NSFW and contains graphic content. Watch the scene below and tell us what you think! Also let us know what one of your favorite TV scenes is. Hope you enjoy this.