THE WIRE Characters get Pixilated

ArtTV The Wire by Joey Paur

There seems to be a lot of stuff from the HBO series The Wire that I have been coming across recently. Maybe it's because I'm rewatching the series and things related to the show are just sticking out to me more. I don't know, all I know is that I love this show, and you NEED to watch it if you haven't already. I have friends that still haven't seen this series, and it drives me crazy that they haven't seen it yet. I'm worried though that I've hyped up the series so much for them that it isn't going to hit them in the face like it hit me. 

Above you will find a collection of pixilated character art from the show called iotacons created by Andy Rash, who also created these Pixilated movie characters. It's amazing how well he captures the likness of these characters with a bunch of pixil squares. Have you watched The Wire? If not... why?

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