Fan-Made DEXTER Opening Sequence inspired by Saul Bass

If movie poster and title artist Saul Bass created the opening sequence for Dexter it might end up looking something like this. Artsit Ty Mattson has done a fantastic job capturing the style of Bass in this fan-made opening title sequence. I can't wait for the sixth season of Dexter to finally start!

Here's a note from the creator:

The poster series that I created for Dexter was inspired by mid-century modern design and particularly the work of Saul Bass -- who developed both static graphics as well as animated title sequences. I collaborated with my friends at Fashion Buddha to create an alternative title sequence for Dexter using the artwork that I developed for the posters. This is what I imagine the Dexter title sequence might look like if the show had aired in the 60′s.

Check out the video below and tell us what you think!

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