Michael Fassbender Sought By José Padilha for ROBOCOP

Michael Fassbender is being sought for director José Padilha's Robocop remake. Padhila gave an update on the status of the script and who he has envisioned for the lead in a video from Globo. The script that he and Josh Zetumer have been working on is nearing completion and stated they're aving a meeting with MGM this next week. 

The big news though from that video is that Padhila feels that Michael Fassbender would be the best choice to take on the lead, and I happen to agree with him. I have yet to see Hunger or Shame, but I loved him in every other film I have seen. He was my favorite as Magneto in X-Men: First Class. I could not think of anyone to play Murphy!

For those of you not sold yet on a Robocop remake, here is a recent interview where Padilha describes his vision: 

"I will not repeat what [Paul] Verhoeven has done so clearly and strongly. Instead I try to make a film that will address topics that Verhoeven untreated. If you are a man changes into a robot, how do you do that? What is the difference between humans and robots developed? What is free will? What does it mean to lose your free will? Those are the issues that I think."

I have been thinking of different actors who could take on the role since the remake was first announced. Fassbender is really an inspired choice for the role. If it actually comes together I would officially be a supporter of this remake. What are your thoughts?

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