My Top 15 Favorite Movie Posters of 2011
I've always been a huge fan of movie poster art. Unfortunately, movie poster designs have gotten very lazy over the years. There are just too many really bad photoshop jobs and not enough original, cool, and different art ideas. I actually used to work for a movie poster illustrator who did all of the Disney animated movie posters throughout the 1990's. That was all done in the art of airbrushing. I remember when photoshop took over the industry and all of these people were scrambling how to use it to catch up. It doesn't make sense to me that the studios keep pumping out these poorly photoshopped poster designs, but there are a few that I actually ended up really liking.
Here are my Top 15 favorite movie posters from 2011. And just to clarify these are all movies that have also been released this year which is why you wont see movie posters like The Dark Knight Rises or The Hobbit. Check out the movie posters below and tell us what you think! What are some of your favorite movie posters?
1. Cowboys and Aliens
2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
3. The Artist
4. Hobo With a Shotgun
5. Hesher
6. The Devils Double
7. Midnight in Paris
8. Scream 4
9. The Mechanic
10. We Bought a Zoo
11. Drive
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
13. Dream House
14. Tyrannosaur
15. The Tree of Life