Calvin and Hobbes: Attack of the Deranged Candy Sack!

Here's another great piece of Halloween inspired Geek Art from Deviant artist croonstreet called "Attack of the Deranged Candy Sack." It features Calvin and Hobbes being attacked by some kind of insane candy monster! Being a fan of Calvin and Hobbes myself, I absolutely love this Halloween tribute!

Here's a note from the artist:

Most people when they look at my work compare my stuff to Tim Burton. And while Tim Burton's work has definitely influenced my art, I'd say the even greater influence was Bill Waterson's Calvin and Hobbes comics. I owned all the books growing up and learned a lot about art and just life in general from that kid and his tiger. There was even a time when everything I drew was trying to emulate Bill Waterson. I can still see his influence on my work today. 

I thought it was high time to pay my respect to him in some way so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I don't think he did a whole lot of Halloween related stuff. His favorite holiday from what I can tell was definitely Christmas. But I figure if he did do some kind of Halloween episode, it would go something like this.

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