Epic Tribute Art for The Original STAR TREK Series
Check out this great piece of tribute art for the original Star Trek series! It was created by Dusty Abell, and here's what he had to say about it!
This piece is for all the Original Star Trek fans out there like me...... I've been working on this for a while now and I'm happy to finally get to share it with people. Definitely a labor of love this one and SO much fun to do at the same time. I was trying to think about the first time I could recall seeing the show when I was little and my best guess is it had to have been before I was 4 years old in 1973, because I distinctly remember being aware of the show before the animated series debuted in September of 73'. The series was probably more responsible than anything else in sparking my love of sci-fi and fantasy and i'll always be grateful that I grew up during its initial run in syndication. The trinity of Kirk/Spock/McCoy were the backbone and soul of the show for me. Individually they represented three distinct qualities whose interplay made for fascinating viewing..........Kirk the ethical leader, Spock the logical sounding board and McCoy the emotional confidant. The stories, both serious and whimsical captivated me, the production wowed me and the acting was always entertaining. I've included at least one, sometimes more, character, entity, starship or structure from every episode of the original series, 80 in all including the pilot, in this piece. I hope Trek fans enjoy this as much as I did making it, I'm pretty proud of it.
The illustration turned out awesome! Can you name all of the characters represented in it? Click the image to enlarge it!