G4TV Cancels Attack of the Show and X-Play... What?!
That time has come everyone. The time when we all must come to terms with the fact that the G4TV channel will never be the same. Hell, most of have said it has been doomed ever since the TechTV merger. But one must admit that the station did have its good days.
There is no easy way to say this, so let's just get to it. Both Attack of the Show and X-Play has been cancelled by G4. I know, shocking, but not all that suprising right?
TVGuide.com is reporting that the station has cancelled these shows as they look forward to re-brand the channel. The rumors have been circulating that the channel is looking to be more upscale and basically be the Esquire or GQ of television. What does that mean exactly you say? It means they want to be more sophisticated and cater to the upper echelon of our male society. Or at least try to and then ending up basically being another SpikeTV.
I guess we shouldn't be surprised, I mean did you really think after the station lost both of their TOP hosts that it would survive? X-Play had a little bit of hope, with Morgan Webb and Blair Herter, not all was lost with the show. Sure, Adam Sessler is one that can't be replaced, but at least we had these familiar faces to still guide the show.
Attack of the Show was in another boat. After Kevin Pereira left, most wondered what would be the point of the show anymore. Candace Bailey just joined a year prior, and most people still were not exactly warming up to her yet. Of course they tried (and succeeded somewhat) to boost viewership by adding the eye-candy that is Sara Underwood to the show, but that only goes so far.
So I ask you gaming and geek community, where will we go now? We don't have a channel to call our own anymore. Not even the Sci-Fi, oh my bad, I mean the SyFy network is even the same these days. (BTW, did you hear Kevin has a new viral video show premiering on that network?!) I guess we will be left to watch online tech/gaming outlets like Desctructoid or Revision3, who both do fantastic jobs.
What do you think the future holds for G4TV?