Epic Coke and Pepsi CG Animated Battle!
Here's a entertainingly action-packed short film created by Alvise Avati as a spec commercial for Coca-Cola. It features an epic battle between Coke and Pepsi. It was made in Avati's spare time with the help of some of his friends. I've got to say it turned out really cool.
I tend to switch off between Coke and Pepsi depending on my mood, so I'm not real committed to one or the other. Thanks to Avati for sending the short over! I hope you enjoy it! Which do you prefer? The Coke or the Pepsi?
Joey Paur
Co-Founder / Editor of GeekTyrant.com, and if you haven't noticed I write… a lot. Movies are my passion and I live and breathe all things geek. This site is part of my life's work, it's a part of me. I love what I do, and I enjoy sharing everything I can with you when it comes to movies and geekery. In my spare time I travel to the netherworlds to battle demons. @JoeyPaur | joeypaur@geektyrant.com