Amazingly Cool Teaser for the Sci-Fi Film 2088


Check out this incredibly cool teaser trailer for an indie sci-fi film called 2088, which takes place in a crazy looking futuristic Los Angeles. The project is being directed by Steven Ilous and produced by the VFX house SMI Entertainment. 

The teaser isn't very long but it's long enough to give you a solid idea of the tone and visuals that the movie is going for, and it's pretty awesome. I love the designs that I'm seeing! The footage from the film says it's from LAPD's Non-Human Crimes Division, which I imagine the story will center around. Here's a description from the the site, but it doesn't give any story details...

The challenge: To produce, direct and write a transmedia sci-fi/drama property that will entice audiences from all around the world, allowing people to experience this story through multi-platform touch points.

You can sign me up, this looks like it could be an incredibly cool flick! Hopefully the story and script are as solid as the concept we're being teased with. 

2088 Teaser from Steven Ilous on Vimeo.


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