X-FILES Finally Coming to Blu-ray?! Yes Please!
I want The X-Files on Blu-ray! I can only imagine how amazing this show will look in HD, and the next time I relive the experience, it will be on Blu-ray. The Digital Bits is reporting that a number of "industry sources" have told them that Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment plans on releasing the insanely amazing ground-breaking sci-fi series on Blu-ray sometime in late 2013. This is one of those shows we've never had the privilege of watching in HD. The site gives a little rundown of info:
The first four seasons of The X-Files [were] produced in the old school 4x3 format. It eventually went to the 16x9 widescreen format, but FOX didn't even start broadcasting in HD until 2004, which is two years after X-Files ended its run. Obviously some work needs to be done, but sources have told Digital Bits that FOX plans on rebuilding the series for Blu-ray HD much like CBS did with Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
I really hope this news turns out to be true, because I've been waiting for X-Files to get a Blu-ray release since Blu-ray became a thing.