ADAM SESSLER Joins Revision3's Game Division
A while ago, Adam Sessler of G4’s X-Play fame announced he was leaving the company and the show altogether. Many fans were in outrage. Not so much at Sessler himself, but more so at the television channel. You see, G4 has been going down a spiraling destruction course for quite a while now.
I personally cannot pinpoint exactly when this started, but I would assume it was around the time Olivia Munn decided to move on, and also around the time when the station started playing nonstop re-runs of Cops and Cheaters. Others would say that the channel was doomed from the start, when it initially merged with TechTV. But nevertheless the fact that we are losing more and more of our favorite geek/gamer programming is making people very sad (me included).
But now Sessler has re-emerged on another show, but you will not find this on your cable provider. He has joined the games division of Revision 3 as their Executive Producer and Editor-in-Chief. Sessler has been one of those voices that has been very well respected in the entire gaming community, so it’s great that we will be able to continue to get his crazy rants about both good and bad games.
He had this to say about his return to being in front of the camera:
This is something of a homecoming for me. I’m back in San Francisco where I grew up, where I worked at TechTV, and in addition, I get to work with some of my former colleague and friends from TechTV, Patrick Norton, Robert Heron, and a host of people that are behind the scenes.
Revision 3 has been doing some very great things in recent years, and it’s something to be said that they can make a very successful interent video company work. The addition of Sessler will be great for their games division. I just can’t wait to see him get into it with Desctrutoid’s Matt Scoville.