Here's a small collection of geek art from Carlos Lerma a.k.a "Lerms." I just love the color in these pieces! Even with all of the exaggerated features, Lerms' use of color has added some good weight to the characters. There's not a ton of action going on in some of the pieces but they all just feel exciting, especially the Drive art above. The Indiana Jones poster doesn't do it for me as much, but ya can't leave Indy out... even if he does look like Daniel Craig.
Head over to Lerms' deviantART page for more sweet geek art.
Eli Reyes
Editor/Writer. Movie trivia junkie. RIAA-certified Gold record awarded recording artist. Suggested they drop the “The” from “The GeekTyrant” before being told there was no “The” in GeekTyrant to begin with.
@ElijahReyes | ElijahReyes@GeekTyrant.com
@ElijahReyes | ElijahReyes@GeekTyrant.com