Cory and Topanga Return in GIRL MEETS WORLD
Fans of Boy Meets World, here's something to get excited about: Cory and Topanga are back.
TV Line reports that Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel, who played the iconic couple of Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence on the seminal 90s television series Boy Meets World, have signed on to reprise their roles on the Disney Channel's sequel series, Girl Meets World. Instead of being told through Cory's perspective, as the previous show was, audiences will see Girl Meets World through the eyes of Riley Matthews, the 13-year-old daughter of Cory and Topanga. That role has yet to be filled, but a nationwide search is reportedly underway.
Savage and Fishel's return is great news for fans who may have been a bit skeptical about the announcement of this new series. With the advancement of technology, shows like Home Improvement and Boy Meets World that had a sort of home-grown aspect to family values have become a thing of the past, a relic of a simpler time.
Michael Jacobs, the executive producer of Boy Meets World, is also coming back for this new incarnation, and his involvement is arguably as important as that of Savage and Fishel for the stability of the series. This will be on the Disney Channel, famous for Hannah Montana and other kid-friendly titles that didn't necessarily have the same "realness" found on ABC's Boy Meets World. But with Jacobs and this cast signed on, this show could have a chance to recapture the greatness that the original series brought to millions of people each week.
Plus, now that Cory and Topanga are back, who knows? The door is open for returns of Rider Strong's Shawn Hunter character and maybe even Adam Scott as Griff in a tiny cameo. Personally, I'm hoping for some William Daniels and Will Friedle buddy-antics as Mr. Feeny and Eric Matthews, but I've heard Friedle mostly sticks to voice work these days so we'll see if that comes to fruition. Either way, this is an exciting time for Boy Meets World fans who were sad to see the series end back in 2000.