Gaming Disassembled: Are the Console Wars Ready for the Valve Steambox?
Hey guys and gals! In this episode of Gaming Disassembled we discuss the new Tomb Raider Trailer, a possibly bad marketing move by Ubisoft, and Valve's possible entry into the console war (rumored to be the Steam Box). We also spotlight some great art and a replica portal gun, as well as sound off on Gail Simone's recent dismissal from Batgirl (and maybe DC Comics entirely). Hope you enjoy the show!
Gaming Disassembled: Are the Console Wars Ready for the Valve Steambox?
Matthew Mueller
Writer // Co-Host of Gaming Disassembled // Happily married lover of X-Men, JRPG'S, Frasier, Captain America, and Mass Effect. Also have a part-time position as defender of OA, but hoping they bring me on full-time soon. @KnightofOA //