NASA Completes First Human/Robot Handshake in Space
NASA made history today after the successful completion of the first robot/human handshake in space. Commander Dan Burbank and Robonaut 2 will forever be "great PR" should we ever have to avoid any Terminator scenarios. Pretty cool, although the video is a little long, and why not do a high five or something more contemporary?!
I guess if he were fist bumping we'd have to rename him "Robronaut 2."
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I started out as a loyal reader of Geektyrant before emailing Joey one day about the potential of writing for Geektyrant. Now six years later I'm the managing editor of and still living the dream and giving my opinion to the geek masses! Geektyrant is my life, and I hope that shows in everything I do!
@G33kyMick //