World Of The Future: Surgical Robots Inside You

HumorTech by Mick Joest


The world of the future is always speculative and ever changing with many stunning and fantastical predictions that will forever change our lives. So why am I so abrasive when it comes to robots doing surgery? This all comes from a recent report out of Business Week which talks of tiny robots entering the body and performing micro surgery on the human body. Think of those old school movies where they shrink down the doctors and put them in a submarine inside a person, but less ignorant of modern day technology.

While this does seem like it could cause less damage to the body and potentially achieve things with less risk than other modern day procedures... this line disturbed me a bit.

That sent a positive signal to the robot's computers, which are designed to reward success and discourage failures.

The hell?! You mean to tell me this shit don't come pre-programmed? I'm sorry but I'm not down to be the guinea pig for a robot who starts out with the intelligence of a Fischer Price toy! Granted the above statement was made in reference to a soccer game the surgical snakes were playing...oh yeah did I mention these robots are snakes? Talk about phobia inducing.

Am I the only one who gets scared when stories about the future pop up? Say this technology is around in 50 years. I'll be 70 by then and prime time for multiple surgeries ala Dr. 100101. My future family will try to calm my nerves but I guarantee when I'm on the operating table all I'll be able to think about is this.

Or this.

Maybe even this.

Okay probably not the last one, but you get my point right? Am I the only one a little freaked out about medical robots in the future?

Email Me: Twitter: @MickJoest

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