STAR TREK 2 Set Photos Reveals New Starfleet Uniforms
A few more behind the scenes photos have popped up online from J.J. Abrams Star Trek 2. There's a lot of mystery surrounding this film, and what it's going to be about. At one point we heard that Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing Khan, so we thought we knew something. Then all of a sudden he wasn't, and we ended up actually knowing nothing. But, today we've got a few new photos from the set to share with you revealing some new Starfleet variant uniforms.
The photos come from a young actress named Anjini Azhar, who is playing the daughter of Noel Clarke and Nanzeen Contractor's character in the movie. She went around and took photos with everyone in the cast and then her talent agency posted them online.
The most revealing photo shared was the one above with Simon Pegg (Scotty) and Anton Yelchin (Chekov), who are both wearing a new Starfleet uniform design. Below you can see Azhar with her father and mother in the film.
If you have any thoughts you want to share on these photos please do in the comment section!