TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Animated Series - New Full Trailer
Nickelodeon has released a full trailer for their upcoming CG animated reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. The show looks like it has a fun style, and the kids will definitely enjoy it.
The show's executive producer, Ciro Neili, explained in a interview with EW how this vision of these characters fits into the Turtles universe.
I tried to boil it down and get to really what’s at the core of it, which is this sense of brothers and camaraderie. Everything grew out of that. It’s like a band. You want a Beatles thing.
Here's a previously released breakdown of each of the characters:
Raphael is the biggest and toughest of the brothers, and has little patience for stealth operations, hiding in the shadows or keeping his voice down. Leonardo, considered to be the leader of the turtles, aspires to be the perfect hero around his three smart-aleck brothers. Donatello is the reclusive, yet utterly brilliant team inventor who is able to cobble together fantastic weapons from things scrounged from a trash heap. And Michelangelo is enthusiastic, easily distracted, loves popculture and is always trying to get in on the latest fad.
The show is set to be released this fall and features the voices of Jason Biggs as Leonardo, Sean Astin as Raphael, Greg Cipes as Michelangelo, and Rob Paulsen as Donatello.
Here's the synopsis:
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a fictional team of four human/turtle hybrids, who were trained by their human/rat hybrid sensei in the art of ninjutsu and named after four Renaissance artists. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil megalomaniacs, and alien invaders, all while remaining isolated from society at large.
Watch the trailer and let us know if you think it looks like something you'll want to watch.