Comic Con Flashback: The Eye Pen Stabbing of 2010

HumorRant Comic-Con by Mick Joest

The year was 2010, and SDCC was bigger than ever. It was a year of Harry Potter, Thor, Captain America, and Cowboys and Aliens. It was the year Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. announced the cast of now one of the biggest movies of al time The Avengers. 2010 was a simpler time to be sure. We were excited and disillusioned that Green Lantern would be nothing other than awesome, and Comic Con was believed to be nothing other than a place of peace. Then in one fell swoop our lives changed, and it all went down in the infamous Hall H.

Excitement was mounted in the "H" as fans filed about shortly after the panel for Resident Evil: Retribution. As people eagerly awaited panels for upcoming films Paul and Cowboys vs. Aliens two men argued over the amount of seat space between them. The rest is history.

A man in a Harry Potter shirt allegedly stabbed another man in the eye with a pen. Attendees were appalled, shocked, but mostly pissed because this Beverly delayed the panel for Captain America and Thor.

Crazy right? Makes you wish you would've been there? Sadly as things do at Comic Con, this event was over hyped and made a much larger spectacle than what actually happened as police later stated the "eye stabbing" was nothing more  than a scratch near the eye created with either a pen, or it was believed to be an inflattable toy, and the chaos that ensued? Well that was caught on tape actually.

A lackluster scene to say the least. Alas it was not all it was cracked up to be, but a whacky Comic Con story none the less. Let's see if anything crazier will happen this year!

Email Me: Twitter: @MickJoest


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