Can You Name All These Movie Outfits???

I love the quote by the late Edith Head, the legendary Hollywood costume designer, who said, "What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage. We create the illusion of changing the actors into what they are not. We ask the public to believe that every time they see a performer on the screen he`s become a different person."

There is something magical about an outfit. The clothes themselves can become just as iconic, if not more so than the actor's performance or the film itself. How many outfits can you recognize cosplayers wear for films you've never even seen?

Using modern designer threads, photographer Candice Milon brilliantly replicates some of cinema’s most recognizable outfits for a spread in French men's magazine Sport & Style. That means (for the right price), you could pay homage to your favorite movie characters, without going digging threw thrift stores and ebay - though that would be a much cheaper route.

Some of these are fairly obvious, but there are a couple bound to stump you. See how many of these outfits you can name which movie they came from! Answers below.


Red: Rick Blaine, Casablanca
Orange: Alex, A Clockwork Orange
Yellow: Jim Stark, Rebel Without a Cause
Green: Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump
Blue: Gordon Gekko, Wall Street
Gray: Marty McFly, Back to the Future
Black: Jake or Elwood Blues, The Blues Brothers


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