Marvel Superhero Infographic shows Most Popular Characters
Here's an interesting new infographic created by Networked Insights, that breaks down the data of several Marvel superheros telling us who the most popular characters are and why.
The info for the infographic was gathered over the past 30 days to see which Marvel characters were getting the most play in conversations among geeks on the web. It calculated that Hulk, Thor and Iron Man lead the Top 10 Avengers, Wolverine, Magneto and Northstar lead the Top 10 Mutants, Loki, Lizard and Venom lead the Top 10 Villains and Thanos, Silver Surfer and Nova lead the Top 10 Cosmic Characters. It also goes into the details about why people are talking about Ant-Man, Northstar, Thanos and Star-Lord.
Remember, the infographic is only 30 days worth of information, so it's what is trending around Marvel right now. Check it out below and let us know if you think Marvel should be paying closer attention to the characters who are most popular among online fans.