STAR WARS: DETOURS Animated Series - 3 Funny New Clips
Last week we brought you the first trailer and three clips from Seth Green and Matt Senreich's new nutty looking Star Wars animated series, Star Wars: Detours. It seems like most people liked what they saw. I imagine anyone that is a fan of Robot Chicken will enjoy watching this series. It's got some pretty funny clips, and today we bring you three more of them from the series showing you more of a comedic life in the Star Wars universe. The series takes place in-between Episodes III and IV, and here's a description of the series...
Star Wars Detours is an animated comedy that explores what daily life is like in a galaxy far, far away. There are no Empires striking back or attacking clones here. Instead, Star Wars Detours focuses on the universe’s regular folks and their everyday problems… which, to be fair, do frequently involve famous bounty hunters, crazed Ewoks, and even a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Welcome to Star Wars: Detours: the other side of the stars, between the wars.
The fun looking new series should be released sometime in 2013. There's no exact date or what station it will air on. Check out the three newest clips, and let us know if you have any other thoughts on the new series. Are you looking forward to it?
Super Ace and Killer deal with the Death Star's shortage of bathrooms.
Greedo picks the wrong disguise to sneak into Jabba's Palace.
At a Coruscant job fair, Obi-Wan believes the Force is strong with Harmony.