MAN OF STEEL To Feature Female Jimmy Olsen?
A lot of fans have been wondering if we will see Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, and it looks like we'll see her. That's right... her. According to IMDB, Jimmy Olsen has been changed to Jenny Olsen, and Rebecca Buller is the actress playing her. There's no mention of Jimmy on IMDB, which leads us to believe that this rumor could end up being true.
The character can actually be seen in the trailer for the film (pictured above) running alongside Laurence Fishburne as Perry White. She's got a little smile on her face even though she's in the middle of complete chaos. We know that Snyder is shaking things up in the Superman universe, so I'm not really surprised by any changes like this. I don't think it's going to hurt the film even though it's pretty big change, but I'll admit... Jimmy will be missed. I wonder if this new female character will have the same kind of personality, or if she'll be a completely different character.
What do you think about Jimmy being turned into Jenny? Is this a change you can get behind if it ends up being true?