FIREFLY Deleted Scenes - River Wanted To Marry Her Brother?!
The Science Channel has released three deleted scenes from Joss Wheodn's classic sci-fi western series Firefly. One of them reveals that River wanted to marry her brother! That would have certainly made the show even more interesting than it already was!
Back in November the Science Channel broadcast a Firefly reunion show called Firefly: Browncoats Unite. It ended up doing very well for the network, and the show itself ended up being great! Series stars Sean Maher, Summer Glau, Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Gina Torres, and Jewel Staite all showed up to talk about the decade old series. During the broadcast three deleted scenes were shown. In case you missed them you can now watch them below!
River tells Simon they should get married.
Deleted scene from the Battle of Serenity taken from the original Firefly pilot.
Zoe catches Simon researching the Battle of Serenity.