SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS Movie Has A New Screenwriter
Hanna screenwriter Seth Lochhead has been hired to write the big screen adaptation of Sony Pictures' Shadow of the Colossus for Chronicle director Josh Trank. The first draft of the script was written by Justin Marks back in 2009, and Trank will oversee the screenplay re-write.
This movie has the potential to be epically huge, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I loved playing the video game that the movie is based on, and I hope these guys can pull some crazy cool awesomeness while turning it into a feature film. Here's a run down of the story for those of you not familiar with it...
The protagonist is a young man who thinks his lover has died. Desperate to bring her back, he heads into a forbidden land, and summons a demon who can wake the dead. The price for bringing back his girl: slay 16 colossi that dominate this mystical place. These are skyscraper-sized giants that rise from the ground, fly through the air and come from the water. As the young man works through his quest on horseback, he begins to wonder if he is on a noble pursuit to bring back his lover, or perhaps has made a deal with the devil and is being used. Trank has been a fan of the game since it launched in 2005, and sought out the job.
Lochhead has also written a top secret Michael Bay film called The Governess for Warner Bros. and has also written an adaptation of a sci-fi novel called The Age of Miracles.