New Photo of Scarred Sharlto Copley in OLDBOY
We've got three new photos for you to check out from Spike Lee's Oldboy featuring a scarred up Sharlto Copley as the villain in the story, Pom Klementieff as his enforcer, and Samuel L. Jackson, who is in a very bad situation with Josh Brolin. We actually got to see the extended scene that this image is from at New York Comic-Con, and it gave us a glimpse of just how brutal this movie will be. I've included a description of that scene under the photo if you're interested in having it spoiled for you.
A bearded man arrives to pick up a large order of food from a busy Asian restaurant. Joe Doucett is watching. As the man leaves, Joe is in pursuit. As he speeds off in a black SUV, Joe snatches a hammer from a woman in an alley and steals a delivery bike to follow. Soon after, the car reaches its destination and Joe slips in, unnoticed. Joe takes out the first guard with barely a sound and confronts the bearded man in a freight elevator, sending his hammer crashing through his skull with a quick eruption of CG blood. A man looks over to the elevator camera monitor and sees Joe, whose face is shielded by all the food packages. The young guard tells him to drop the food on the table and Joe does so in a casual manner, then walks over to the guard and seems to stare into his face for a moment before burying the claw of the hammer in his skull. The motion was so forceful, it takes a little wiggle to get it back out.
Soon after, we see Chaney (Sam Jackson) sitting before a wall of monitors, all with prisoners like Joe. He says, "Feeding time for the animals," and then he gets aggravated that the person who seemingly is to be doing the feeding has not arrived. He goes to check on the situation and is taken down by Joe. In the next scene we see Chaney is flat on his back. He angrily demands to be let free so they can fight man to man. Joe's answer is to draw a dotted line on his neck. Chaney suggests he think about what he's doing, prompting the badass response we know so well from the trailer: "I've been thinking about this for 20 years." Then we get to see what happens next. Joe hovers over and goes to work. The act he is committing seems strenuous and Chaney is certainly not enjoying it, but you quickly realize it must not be something to cause a quick death as Chaney's voice remains loud and strong. As Joe pulls back, we see he has not used his tiny box cutter to saw off Chaney's head like I thought he would, but instead has cut a sliver from his neck. Joe then cuts a second sliver and puts it methodically into a nearby wastebasket. The size of the cut-out, in and of itself, is unnerving. Chaney suggests if Joe stops now, Joe might be able to get out of there alive. Joe seems amused by this and replies he'll stop when he can pull off Chaney's head with his bare hands.
Via: Dread Central