Bruce Lee Vs. Donnie Yen in CG Animated Short - A WARRIOR'S DREAM

I love that technology can bring to life things we might not have otherwise seen. Here's a really cool CG animated short that gives us a look at what it might look like to see legendary martial artist Bruce Lee fight Donnie Yen. The short is called A Warrior's Dream, and it was directed by Li Jin. As awesome as Yen is, there's no doubt that Lee would kick his ass for real.
A Warrior's Dream is a 3D animated short film with photorealistic visual style. The story is about a martial artist's combat with his imaginary opponent. The martial artist finally realized that the mightiest opponent is himself. The film ends with Bruce Lee's calligraphy "Walk On". Thus the director wishes Donnie Yen can walk on as a martial artist like Bruce Lee, the idol of Donnie Yen himself.
Do you think there is a better martial artist than Lee living today?