Joss Whedon Says the S.H.I.E.L.D. Series is Better Than Expected

As you know Agent Coulson is coming back to life for the new S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series for ABC. Now we all saw Agent Couslon (Clark Gregg) die in The Avengers, and the new series takes place after the events in the movie. What we're all wondering is how in the hell did Coulson come back to life?! Joss Whedon has really given us nothing to work with.

During a Q&A session at SXSW to promote his film Much Ado About Nothing he briefly answered the question we all want a answer too. He jokingly says... “I’ll tell you guys this, Heimlich... I can’t talk about it," but he did say that he did bring Coulson back from the dead for the ABC drama. "Yes. For realsies." Cinema Blend goes on to give some information on what Whedon thinks of the pilot that he directed,

When pressed for a bit of information about the pilot, Whedon said that while he loves diving into the spectacle that comes with The Avengers, he’s also interested in the people who are “under foot” in the massive battles, but who “didn’t win the lottery and aren’t super” but need to deal with the fall out of an alien attack. He thinks the pilot turned out better than expected, and he thinks his interest in those agents will keep audiences coming back week after week. 

Awesome! I can't wait to see how this thing turned out! The series is expected to be released this Fall if ABC ends up giving it a full order, which of course is going to happen. 

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