100 Greatest Movie Threats of All Time - Video Supercut

VideosMovie Supercut by Joey Paur

"But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm gonna ram it into your stomach and break your goddamn spine!"

We've got another great movie supercut to share with you! This one gives us the 100 greatest movie threats of all time! It was created by hh1edits for Pajiba, and it manages to capture some great threatening movie moments! There's threats that make us laugh, and intense threats that give us the chills, but I couldn't help but smile through the whole video. Have you ever heard a movie threat and thought, "Oh man, one day I want to use that on somebody! That's a good one."? Watch the supercut and let us know if all of your favorite movie threats made the cut! As you might expect there's a lot of F-bombs in the video so if you're in the office put on the headphones. 

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