Bryan Singer Gives Update on TWILIGHT ZONE Series Reboot
Late last year it was announced that Bryan Singer would be developing a new TV series reboot of The Twilight Zone. We've heard virtually nothing on the project since it was announced because he's obviously been busy putting together X-Men: Days of Future Past. Singer is an executive producer and that last we heard he was looking for a writer. But he recently talked to IGN about the series and he offered up a little update saying,
It'll be a little slower in process because of where I'm at with this film [X-Men: Days of Future Past], but it's definitely something I'm passionate about. You know it's always a challenge with anthology television shows because you don't have a standing cast, so you're always recasting. And you're always finding new locations and environments to serve the different stories. But I'm anxious to figure out the right way to do it because I love anthologies. I love anthology movies and anthology television shows. I'm very passionate about it and some of those stories I think are worth revisiting now. And there are ways that they can be treated now, they can be scarier than they were then and also they can be much more visual because we have more technology. Back then you were shooting on the back lot or out west and now you can pull off a lot more for television. So I'm really looking forward to getting into it. There's writer that I just got involved in it. I don't want to say who it is yet because we have to make a deal, but somebody I enjoy working with. So that's coming together right now, actually. So yeah, I'm into it.
I love how much he's excited about the project! I really hope he does a good job with it. There's a lot of potential with a series like this, and it could be great. Hopefully they are also able to tell some great new fun and creepy original stories. I really don't want it to be a remake of every Twilight Zone episode from the original masterpiece. That would be kind of pointless don't you think?