THE WALKING DEAD Season 3 VFX Reel - Zombie Death Magic
I love watching these visual effects reels! I'm always surprised by what I see. Here's a very cool behind the scenes reel for The Walking Dead season 3 that was created by the team at Stargate Studios. It shows off a ton of bloody zombie kill VFX magic. This might as well be a Walking Dead zombie kill supercut. One of the most interesting things I saw in this video though was how little of the prison actually exists.
“It’s been the season of decapitations,” declares Stargate Studios visual effects supervisor Victor Scalise, reflecting on season three of AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead.’ In this series, the characters fortify themselves inside an abandoned prison while still trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. Stargate once again provided digital effects for the show, matching extensive practical and make-up effects work by KNB EFX Group (one of the co-founders of KNB, Greg Nicotero is a co-executive producer, special effects makeup artist, director and also actor on The Walking Dead).
Enjoy the VFX reel!
The Walking Dead Season 3 Visual Effects Reel from Stargate Studios on Vimeo.