MTV Developing SCREAM TV Series — GeekTyrant

MTV Developing SCREAM TV Series

TV MTVScream by Joey Paur

MTV announced today that they will be developing a pilot for a TV series based on the Scream movie franchise. I think this could be a decent series, but I don't think MTV is the right place for it. I haven't exactly seen anything good or worth watching come from MTV, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

I really enjoyed Scream 4, and I thought for sure we would see a fifth movie get made. I'd much rather see a new movie than a mediocre TV series. 

As of right now, the network has no specific concept for the show, they don't have a writer, but they are trying to get the franchise director Wes Craven on board to direct the pilot. Even though they really don't know what they are doing with the series, they have high hopes for the project, and they plan on airing it in the summer of 2014.

What do you think about MTV developing a SCREAM series? 


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