GameStick: Hands-On Look at What This New Console Has to Offer
Yesterday, we released the full list of launch games for the OUYA console, which many fans have been hyped about ever since it first appeared on Kickstarter. Now we have some news about the GameStick console, which also started on Kickstarter, and is pretty much the direct rival to the OUYA.
Our friends over at got a hands-on look at the console, as well as the operating system itself. They were able to play around with the dashboard, which looks strikingly similar to the Xbox dashboard (which is not a bad thing BTW), as well as play a game to show off the capabilities of the console.
The only bad thing I noticed about what takes place during this video is the long load time it took to launch a game. We all must remember though that this is just a dev unit and not the final product. We should also keep in mind that this is running off the Android platform so that could have had something to do with the lagging load time, as well. Regardless, once they were up and running within the game it looked fantastic and seemed to play great.
Did you get a chance to contribute to the Kickstarter for GameStick? I did, and I can’t wait to receive my unit!
For more info about GameStick, be sure to check out