Whedon on AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D and its Connection to Marvel Films
As you've seen in the trailer for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., there is a kind of a connection to Marvel's cinematic universe. It's just not clear how big that connection will be. In a recent interview with TV Fanatic, Joss Whedon talks about the TV series and how it will fit in with the films...
Everything has to push 'character' forward, including action. We don't want 'spectacle' characters, we want some spectacle that addresses character. We always want the two to mix.
We're absolutely on top of all the movies. We never contradict, replicate - we will be flowing in between them, maybe occasionally we'll throw something in that foreshadows [or] echoes but we're very much beholden to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It'll be fun to see what kind of elements and Easter eggs from the films they end up throwing in the series. It will be another element that will keep audiences entertained and engaged with the show. Who knows, maybe one day we'll start seeing bigger movie superheroes pop in for a cameo.