Bill Nighy Turned Down Doctor Who

Bill Nighy told Express UK that he was offered the role of the 12th Doctor. The actor obviously turned down the offer, saying this...

"... I didn't want to be the Doctor. No disrespect to Doctor Who or anything, I just think that it comes with too much baggage."

When asked about Peter Capaldi, he had nothing but positive things to say! 

"He's a marvelous actor. He'll be very good as the Doctor. He'll bring a lot of wit and dry humour. He's elegant and he looks great."

Nighy being 63 and Capaldi being 55 clearly show the casting was headed towards an older Doctor moving forward. Such a jump though between just those two actors? Nighy is a great actor and all, but I'm not looking for another William Hartnell type for the upcoming season. Capaldi may be aged, but he has spunk, plus he's awesome in just about everything. Are you disappointed knowing Nighy was first choice?

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