CHRONICLE Writer to Make WONDER WOMAN Pitch to Warner Bros.
Art by penichet
Chronicle screenwriter Max Landis recently took part in a Reddit AMA where he answered questions from fans about some of his upcoming projects. During the session he was asked what superhero movie he would like to write, and this was his response,
"Either a version of Green Lantern that played like ET meets Stand By Me using the goth/punk seen and Kyle Raynor, or Wonder-Woman, using a pitch that I intend to make to WB."
Now just because Landis is making a pitch to the studio doesn't mean that he will end up writing or directing the film. We do know that the WB is eventually going to make the movie, and they are currently taking pitches for it. I would love to hear what his pitch is. His Green Lantern idea seems pretty interesting, though.
Over the years both Joss Whedon and Joel Silver tried to get a feature film version of Wonder Woman off the ground, but for one reason or another the movies never made it into production.
He was also asked what one comic book story he would like to bring to the big screen, and he said Batman's The Long Halloween, which would really be amazing. I doubt it will ever happen though. Maybe we'll get the animated version.
Do you think Landis will be the guy to finally get Wonder Woman to the big screen?