THE DARK KNIGHT LEGACY - Fan-Made Film Follows Robin's Story

VideosMovie Short Film by Joey Paur

Here's a cool Batman fan film that is supposed to be set in Christopher Nolan's universe. The film is called The Dark Knight Legacy, and it's set one year after the Dark Knight Rises ends. It follows John Blake, a.k.a. Robin, and his "heroic journey to protect the symbol of Batman from the lethal, relentless attacks of a masked vigilante known only as the Red Hood." The short was directed by Brett Register, and it's done really well. 

The plan is to turn this into a web-series, so this would be considered the first episode. There's an Indie GoGo page that was set up to try to get the funding to continue their story. Watch the short for yourself, and if you like it, let the filmmakers know! 


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